There are over 100 Local Conversations (i.e., local Strong Towns advocates working together) around North America. And we want to grow that number tenfold.
Read MoreCivic culture needs innovating, and it might just take some hard work. Literally.
Read MoreWe live in a culture that exalts the people who say, “I know.” But sometimes what our places need are people willing to say, “I don’t know,” and, “What do you think?” and, “Let’s figure that out together.”
Read MoreWhen the pandemic shut down our town, I realized how much I'd taken for granted the neighbors who showed up every day to make our community work.
Read MoreCo-housing not only saves money for these two families—and enabled them to buy a home, in the first place—it’s also allowed them to better weather hard times.
Read MoreThis simple, fun workshop will help your community discover just how many assets it has to work with.
Read MoreLast week, Chuck did an AMA on Reddit and received a ton of great questions. Here’s some of the highlights!
Read MoreThis congregation launched a non-profit organization to help its neighbors—not as an act of benevolence for them, but in solidarity with them.
Read MoreIn 2022’s inaugural Strong Towns Podcast episode, Chuck interviews Tim Soerens, author and co-founder of the Parish Collective.
Read MoreWhy it’s important that we connect with members of our community sooner rather than later.
Read MoreTim Wright is the cofounder of a local Strong Towns group: ReForm Shreveport.
Read MorePerhaps people move so often around the U.S. because it’s hard to get attached to all the “non-places” we have. But setting downs roots is exactly what we need to build stronger towns.
Read MoreTrue community engagement is not just about listening. It’s about building understanding.
Read MoreCleveland’s “richest poor neighborhood” is empowering its neighbors to help each other.
Read MoreIn the summer, my neighbors invite things to happen that they will oppose most any other time of the year. It’s the best part of being here.
Read MoreSocial capital isn’t as easy to build these days, but it can still be done, and should be done, for the sake of our communities.
Read MoreYou're surrounded by more Strong Towns advocates than you might realize. Here's a simple, 3-step plan for how to connect with them.
Read MoreA friendly guide for making friends and starting Strong Towns conversations in your neighborhood.
Read MoreThe work of building a Strong Town can’t be done alone. Here’s how to find (and create) collaborators where you live.
Read MoreThe work of building a Strong Town is ultimately “culture-making” work.
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