Posts tagged ohio
4 Cities That Are Slashing Outdated Parking Mandates

Across North America, parking mandates harm businesses, residents and cities. Fortunately, a rapidly growing number of cities are questioning these requirements, inching toward reforming or even repealing them altogether. Here are some of the communities that are rethinking their approaches.

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The Bottom-Up Revolution Is…Putting Down Roots To Build a Stronger Future

Jacob Hyman is a civil site engineer in training and the leader of Strong Towns Steubenville, a Local Conversation in Ohio. He joins the podcast today to discuss the challenges of revitalizing a Rust Belt city and how Strong Towns Steubenville is tackling those challenges.

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Cincinnati Pledges $200K in Funding for Popular Bikeshare Service

The city of Cincinnati has pledged $200k to keep the popular bikeshare program Red Bike alive for another year. Joining us to talk about bikeshare programs and Red Bike’s financial difficulties is Bryce Mortera, a member of Civic Cincinnati. Are these programs really beneficial for residents? And if so, is there a more sustainable way to fund them than relying on sponsors?

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Maumee, OH, Is Taking Back Its Streets—By Removing Them

Like many U.S. towns, Maumee, OH, has a state highway that cuts through their Uptown. For decades, it’s been known as a dangerous road…but no longer: the city is taking back its streets and making them places for people, not cars.

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