We ask architect and urban designer Jennifer Griffin for her thoughts on creating spaces that support people’s ability to live in community with each other.
Read MoreSafe streets advocate Tony Tramel will be lending over four decades of experience to analyzing a crash in Amarillo, TX. Here’s what he has to say about the current state (and future) of transportation engineering.
Read MoreEarlier this year, a man was killed in a car crash while crossing the street in Amarillo, TX. The driver didn’t see him—and when you look at his surroundings, it’s not hard to understand why.
Read MoreEcclesiastical architect Erik Bootsma understands the finer points of designing and building a place that’s special and safe. Here’s how he’s applying those same keen eyes to the built environment.
Read MoreOn a summer evening, Grant Hamilton and his wife biked a few blocks home from a family birthday party. What started out as a normal day transformed into a night that changed the trajectory of Hamilton’s life.
Read MoreIn her mission to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries, Ellen Zavisca (transportation planner and Crash Analysis Studio panelist) asks herself, “We’ve got the data. Now what?”
Read MoreWhen we started the Crash Analysis Studio this year, we asked our members to help us in funding and implementing this project to make our streets safer. You not only answered the call; you came out in force.
Read MoreAn older resident lost his life while crossing a deadly stroad in Bradenton, FL. When Strong Towns member Danny Williams found out, he knew something had to be done.
Read MoreCrash Analysis Studio panelist Melany Alliston shares what challenges exist in ameliorating our built environment today, and what stood out in the crash she analyzed in Indianapolis.
Read MoreWhen someone loses their life on your community’s streets, everyone needs to be prepared to take immediate action to prevent future deaths.
Read MoreMore and more transportation agencies are incorporating the use of police crash reports to determine empirically if a road is safe. Here’s why that doesn’t work.
Read MoreRichmond, VA, architect Erik Bootsma shows through some simple (but effective) illustrations how a dangerous intersection can be made safer.
Read MoreBlue Zones Director of Innovation and Inspiration Dan Burden talks about challenges exist in changing our built environment, and what stood out in the crash he analyzed on a recent Crash Analysis Studio episode.
Read MoreAgar Road in Hyattsville, MD, has been lauded as a successful "Complete Street." But this so-called Complete Street is, in reality, completely dangerous—and a woman has lost her life because of it.
Read MoreThis “Complete Street” is really a stroad in disguise—and that’s led to some deadly consequences.
Read MorePeople find it easy to blame a drunk driver for an accident, but what about a drunk pedestrian?
Read MoreWe’ve become desensitized to the car crashes—and the factors that cause them—that kill people like Indianapolitan Frank Radaker every day on our streets. It’s time to change that.
Read MoreA cyclist was killed at this intersection in Indianapolis. Here are five low-cost, easy fixes to prevent additional tragedies in the future. City officials, take note.
Read MoreIndianapolis has seen record-breaking highs in traffic violence in recent years, and one particularly dangerous intersection has advocates calling for its redesign—before another innocent person gets killed.
Read MoreOn today’s special episode of the Strong Towns Podcast, Chuck and Strong Towns Development Associate Grace Whately go behind the scenes on one of our biggest new projects: the Crash Analysis Studio.
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