Chairman of the Board Andrew Burleson discusses recent strides Strong Towns has made and where the organization needs to go from here.
Read MoreLand use reform is gaining momentum and laws are evolving rapidly across North America. Here are some changes that are likely coming in the future and what impacts they might have.
Read MoreCharles Marohn was fined, censured, and reprimanded for speaking up for change as an engineer. We’re fighting to have this state board’s decision overturned, so they know they can’t use their power to intimidate those who call for reform.
Read MoreThe right amount of parking is well-utilized and valuable. But too much is detrimental.
Read MoreEach one of these actions marks a dramatic departure from the norm for most places. Take even one of these steps and your town is on its way to becoming stronger.
Read MoreOnce you learn the truth about the Suburban Experiment, you can’t unlearn it. You can’t stop seeing it. It drives you crazy, and it doesn’t let go.
Read MoreWhat is sad is that these guys are so good at communication in general but so BAD at communicating to the masses of people who need to be on board to make this kind of thing happen.
Read MoreFor municipalities that want to become Strong Towns, here’s a ranked list of the highest impact actions that would help restore a productive development pattern. This is a generic list, not tailored to any specific community, but the actions on this list would apply to the majority of US towns.
Read MoreThe first Strong Citizens Challenge, Walk to Get Your Groceries, has been going strong for the past couple weeks. We've collected lots of responses on the Strong Towns Forum, and we're excited to hear more over time. If you haven't given the first challenge a shot, we hope you'll consider it.
Read MoreOur first Strong Citizens Challenge, to Walk to Get Your Groceries, has been running for a few weeks now. If you haven't tried it yet, we hope you'll take a look. We've collected a lot of stories on the Strong Towns Forum, and today I wanted to call attention to a few that were especially interesting.
Read MoreTake a walk to get your groceries. Take some pictures if you like. Share the story of your experience and whatever observations you took away from it, on the Strong Towns Forum. I've posted my own story there as an example, feel free to use that as a template for yours.
Read MoreFall is quickly approaching, and with it comes the first ever Strong Towns National Gathering. The National Gathering is going to be a major moment in the history of our organization, as it’s the first time we will have assembled so many of our people together in one place to grapple with the issues facing our cities and citizens. We’re expecting to have a lot of fun, and to get a lot of work done.