In spite of the fact that ⅓ of all American are renting their housing, there seems to be a notion in many neighborhoods and towns that owners are the only residents who are going to be valuable members of their communities. Instead, renters should be more fully welcomed into their neighborhoods and respected as the diverse, engaged community members that they can be.
Read MoreA small town in Minnesota just gave an extended middle finger to one of the state’s most impotent bureaucracies.
Read MoreAs fiscal becomes the new sustainable, let's make sure we actually #dothemath.
Read MoreOur audience growth continues to accelerate – we have doubled in size since November – and, as we continue to experience, Strong Towns readers and listeners don’t comprise a nice, clean demographic profile (one of the greatest compliments you all provide).
In short, I appreciate that I sometimes need to slow down and connect some dots. I’m going to try and do that today.
Read MoreYou can't adapt without surplus. Surplus DNA. Surplus farmland. Surplus building space. Surplus building materials. If you have no surplus, you have nothing with which to work, and so you have no adaptability.
There have been plenty of efficient creatures in the history of this planet—most of the extinct ones. They were not adaptable to change.
Read MoreWhat combination of increase in private investment and downsizing of public investment will give my city a private to public investment ratio of 30:1?
Read MoreYesterday was a big day for me. I didn't need to wear mitts for the first time since November, which means I can operate my camera outside for longer than 10 minutes. I will be celebrating by riding the bus out to a strange and depressing landscape of density-gone-wrong. This will be the setting for a video about density and by extension, silly apartment locations. It's an important topic, and I would love your help making an excellent script. What do you say?
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