Is historic preservation just thinly veiled NIMBYism?
Read MoreHurdles to revitalization based not on substance but control are the last thing America's cities and towns need.
Read MoreA "museum without walls" draws visitors and residents to Asheville's downtown, providing an opportunity to learn about the city's history and culture, as well as encouraging patronage at local businesses.
Read MoreCommunity organizer Joyce Mandell discusses the energy and community growth happening in Worcester, MA.
Read MoreI'd like you to join with me and the many good people of Worcester as we mourn the passing of this amazing building.
Read MoreHistoric preservation is often used to prevent something being replaced by something worse, but are we focusing on the symptom or the cause?
Read MoreThe adaptive reuse of historic buildings makes dollars and sense, and translates into tangible economic benefits.
Read MorePaul Stewart, Executive Director of the Oswego Renaissance Association, talks about his work to revitalize neighborhoods in his town through historic preservation projects on local homes. Small investments = big returns.
Read MoreIt’s six years ago this month that Bass Pro – a project backed by virtually every power broker and politician – mercifully pulled the plug on a nine-year flirtation with the downtown Buffalo waterfront.
Read MoreMary McReynolds-Pellinen is an environmental planner, a city councilor and a champion for a renovated historic art center in Virginia, MN. She's doing her part to make the Iron Range a better place.
Read MoreCities are complex ecosystems. For areas in need of redevelopment, the only way to return to a healthy urban fabric is incrementally, a few small projects a year until the neighborhood has buildings of every age and condition, suitable for adaptation to the particular needs of some future time.
Read MoreWhat is it about the built environment of a historic downtown that makes it a good home for the small independent business but not as appealing to the national retailers?
Read MoreOne historic home at a time, St. Paul, MN is demonstrating how a critical mass of Strong Citizens can be an incredible asset to a troubled area, and how local government can play a constructive role in the incremental revitalization of such an area.
Read MorePurchasing a historic building and demolishing it for the sake of creating more space to park equipment is short-sighted and hubristic.
Read MoreAcross the globe, urban centers contain some of the oldest human-modified landscapes. Are the old buildings, structures, and landscapes found in these places important to sustain or is it better to replace them with something new?
Read MoreShould a mixed-use neighborhood become dominated by bars and restaurants, or will its residents fight to preserve its diverse character?
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