What can go wrong when you pin all your economic hopes on a big, shiny new project? Milwaukee, the planned site for this summer’s Democratic Convention, may soon find out.
Read MoreThey left a city that is the envy of urbanists everywhere, for a small town seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The cofounder of the Little Free Libraries movement reflects on what makes his rural community strong.
Read MoreIt’s one thing to talk about the benefits of calmer, narrower streets. It’s another thing to be on the front lines of convincing your community to accept a road diet. One Strong Towns member tells the story of how he picked this battle in his town… and won.
Read MoreFood, waterfronts, festivals… plus some big mistakes. It’s all here in the classic Midwestern city of Milwaukee.
Read MoreThere seems to be no end to Wisconsin leaders' willingness to let Foxconn trample on the state.
Read MoreIn the city of Milwaukee, like so many other communities, it is the poorest residents who bear the brunt of dangerous street design.
Read MoreThis proposal is political theater at best, and, at worst, it's treating jobs as an object of religious veneration.
Read MoreA full-length Strong Towns presentation plus an extended Q&A session were recorded at a recent event in Eau Claire, WI. Here they are, for your viewing pleasure.
Read MoreCan a suburban “downtown” built from the ground up for over $150 million succeed?
Read MoreThe message of incremental growth and bottom-up action to build financially resilient places is applicable everywhere. Here's a taste of one of the many sorts of places where Chuck Marohn shares the Strong Towns message.
Read MoreIf America's dysfunctional approach to transportation is going to be solved, it's going to have to be solved in places that look like Tulsa.
Read MoreEvicted is a powerful book with important lessons for those who design, govern and live in American cities and towns.
Read MoreThe deck is stacked against suburban residents trying to make it out of poverty and the current network of nonprofit and government-based service agencies is not set up to help them.
Read MoreIn spite of a major budget shortfall, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker offers no plan to raise revenue or adjust his transportation funding goals.
Read MoreThis is a home and a destination, not a place to pass through quickly on your way to somewhere else. The streets should be designed to reflect that.
Read MoreMayor Steve Arnold of Fitchburg, WI is a Strong Towns member who is asking the hard questions about road funding and exposing the Growth Ponzi Scheme in his town. Unsurprisingly, it's a contentious conversation.
Read MoreIn many zip codes where households are most dense, job opportunities are some of the least available. These maps show the challenges of addressing this problem.
Read MoreSeattle Seahawks player, Richard Sherman, says he wants to "make the billionaires who actually benefit from the stadiums pay for them."
Read More1,000 Friends of Wisconsin is doing impressive work to stop wasteful road spending in Wisconsin. We're pleased to share this recent victory from our friends at this organization.
Read MoreStrong Towns member, Beth Gehred, talks about her recent city council win, her commitment to ensuring that all community voices are heard, and the way that Strong Towns has influenced her campaign.
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