For years, housing production has systematically privileged corporate developers while shutting out everyone else. But cities are starting to change that. In Tennessee, this change is taking the form of a new process for preapproved plans.
Read MoreOne major consequence of the housing crisis is increased rates of homelessness. Real estate development and design experts in Tennessee are responding by designing multiunit housing prototypes that blend in with existing neighborhoods.
Read MoreWhen Chattanooga’s Local Conversation learned of a crash that took the lives of a mother and child and severely injured the father, the group channeled their mourning into mobilization.
Read MoreWhen Chattanooga, TN, resident Jon Jon Wesolowski noticed a broken guardrail on an overpass, he thought, “the city should’ve put something up for pedestrians.” But then he realized: he could do something about it, himself.
Read MoreNashville, TN, made the news recently for not only abolishing parking minimums within its urban core, but also establishing parking maximums in the same area.
Read MoreThese brothers are pushing for incremental infill development in Memphis, Tennessee, with a community they’re building just north of downtown.
Read MoreThere’s no large city in America that’s doing a better job of pivoting to a Strong Towns approach than Memphis, TN. Here’s why.
Read MoreThe recent failure of a Memphis bridge is costing millions every day. And there are 45,000 others like it in the U.S. that could suffer the same fate.
Read MoreCities aren’t exempt from the iron laws of accounting: if you’re spending more than you make, eventually you’ll be underwater.
Read MoreTommy Pacello made me love Memphis. Even more powerfully, he helped me forgive the failures of my own struggling community and to love it even more.
Read MoreA planner in Gallatin, Tennessee does the math to find out how much infrastructure his city can support and who’s paying their share. What he finds could be the Growth Ponzi Scheme in action.
Read MoreA detailed analysis of 12 cul-de-sacs show the Suburban Experiment is a dead end. What will it take to make this city solvent?
Read MoreWant to understand why some neighborhoods don’t sidewalks? #DoTheMath…and look at the history.
Read MoreOkay, here’s the game: Name the three things you would change in your city that would have the biggest impact.
Read MoreStrong Towns is empowering thousands of champions for change to bring their places back to greater prosperity, little by little, through bottom-up action. Here’s what that looks like.
Read MoreWalking is one of the best things you can do, even during a pandemic. There’s just one rule…
Read MoreIf your community has a huge backlog of unfunded infrastructure maintenance — and it’s the rare one that doesn’t — there are some basic and obvious steps that need to be taken.
Read MoreWe chose Memphis to kick off the Strong America Tour for a reason: the city is both an object lesson in what has gone wrong in American cities, and what could go right. And Memphis’s example helps us see why in places that are going to experience a renaissance, it’s going to come from the grassroots.
Read MoreThe ideas behind Strong Towns began in my small town of Brainerd. A tour starting in Memphis is designed to bring them home.
Read MoreTwo small Tennessee towns reveal the mighty power of a traditional downtown square—even one that isn’t designed to achieve its full potential. It’s simply the most foolproof and financially productive style of development there is.
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