Posts tagged small scale developers
How Minimum Lot Size Requirements Maximize the Housing Crisis

Allowing housing units to be built on small or irregular lots is a gamechanger for cities that are fighting the housing crisis. Here’s why that allowance is so important and how three developers are using small units and creativity to bring more housing options to their communities.

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The Bottom-Up Revolution Is…Becoming a Local Real Estate Developer

Tiffany Elder is a licensed general contractor, realtor and real estate investor/developer in Durham, North Carolina. She joins this episode of The Bottom-Up Revolution to discuss her career path, how her various roles intersect, and the challenges and opportunities she’s faced.

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The Bottom-Up Revolution Is…Fighting the Housing Crisis as an Incremental Developer Part 2

Seth Zeren, a neighborhood developer and founding member of Strong Towns, returns to The Bottom-Up Revolution to talk about the political side of incremental development and how to deal with issues like balancing needed development with increased property taxes.

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New Website Helps You Add a Backyard Cottage With One Click

Detached cottages and additional residential units are becoming legal in many places, but zoning laws and design decisions can stop people from building. Resimate seeks to solve that, performing instant analyses of lots and helping customers purchase a variety of eligible designs from small-scale developers.

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Incremental Development Is Still Better Than Large-Scale Development and Here Is Why

Many people believe that, with some zoning changes, large-scale development will be the true key to the housing crisis. This isn’t the case. Large-scale development worsens the issues that caused the crisis in the first place. Here’s a few of the ways incremental development is better for cities than large-scale.

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How To Successfully Navigate the World of Incremental Development

Incremental development is the most resilient and financially responsible way for communities to grow and improve. Town builder Monte Anderson joins us today on Upzoned to talk about his experience as an incremental developer and the important principles of the field.

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Avoiding the Mall Death Spiral for Fun and Profit

When people first started building malls, they had no way of knowing that dramatic shifts in technology and consumer patterns would destroy their business models. What they should've known, though, was that betting all their funding and economic stability on a single project was a bad idea. Let’s not repeat their mistakes.

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Incremental Development: How to Avoid the Bust by Avoiding the Boom

Many housing advocates celebrate large supplies of housing and low rents. However, this is only one stage of a larger boom-and-bust cycle and cannot be maintained. To break out of this cycle and sustainably improve housing accessibility, we need to redirect our focus to incremental development.

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