When a patient dies, doctors review if and how their own actions led to that patient’s death. Shouldn’t engineers be doing the same, when people die in car crashes?
Read MoreIf we want safe and productive streets, we have to focus on the deadly design of our public spaces and not be distracted by the scapegoating narrative of the “reckless driver.”
Read MoreIf the federal government wants to fund transportation, skip the megaprojects. Start with a billion bollards.
Read MoreThe 85th percentile rule makes it hard to ensure safe streets, so residents of northeast Kansas City took matters into their own hands.
Read MorePolicing is a divisive subject. One expert’s balanced and thoughtful perspective points us to a better way.
Read MoreFire departments have a lot of influence over a city’s planning decisions. Too often, that influence is focused on one metric—emergency vehicle response times—rather than a more holistic approach to public safety.
Read MoreA new study provides the first experimental evidence that better street lighting has a cause-and-effect relationship with reduced crime. Lighting is an example of the kind of low-cost, high-returning public investment that’s all around us… but that our cities too often ignore.
Read MoreThe idea of a community garden isn’t a new one. Now, when modern life seems to be more stressful and uncertain than ever, community gardens could prove to be the salve that heals our hurting communities.
Read MoreWhen a small Massachusetts town made national news as its entire police force quit, it was easy to have preconceived notions about what the moral of the story must be. Then a reader from the town reached out to give us this far more nuanced and interesting explanation.
Read MoreDrunk driving is a behavior on which we spend a lot of effort discouraging and yet somehow largely ignore the importance of design. This article asks whether America has a drinking problem or a driving problem? What's worse yet, is that through things like minimum parking requirements and zoning we are virtually coding a problem into existence.
Read MoreFor a city to get there, current priorities need to be realigned and everyone -- from the mayor, the city engineer, the maintenance worker and everyone in between -- needs to be working to get more value out of our existing investments.
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