Don’t be fooled: Winnipeg’s newly proposed “rapid transit” project is actually a road-widening project in disguise. And it aims to borrow money so the City can destroy millions of dollars of its own tax base.
Read MoreThese curves are costing Americans a lot, both financially and physically.
Read MoreStreets can be about many things, but unless they are building wealth for the community, they won’t survive. Period.
Read MoreWe expect city budgets and financial reports to inform citizens and community leaders alike, but in reality, local government accounting is unnecessarily complicated, confusing, and illogical.
Read MoreIn the realm of urban planning, there’s plenty of discourse out there about housing affordability—but what about household wealth building?
Read MoreIs this an amazing idea that could have transformative benefits for people…or a horrible idea ripe for corruption and mismanagement?
Read MoreThis case shows why local governments need to do a better job accounting for maintenance costs.
Read MoreRecently, the North Carolina Ad Hoc Appraisals Committee was challenged to face their own biases and fix their broken property tax assessment system. Here’s what happened.
Read MoreWhat is the real reason behind our striking property tax disparities?
Read MoreTwo of our favorite storytellers—Urban3 and Not Just Bikes—come together in this awesome video.
Read MoreCitizens can’t make informed decisions if they don’t know the financial condition of their government. This nonpartisan nonprofit is making those numbers both available and transparent.
Read MoreAny attempt to design cities that are for people and not cars is all for naught if there are no means to finance it.
Read MoreUnless we start making better accounting choices today, we’ll be facing service cuts and tax increases every year going forward. …That is, until the day we can’t anymore.
Read MoreFor most small-scale developers, capital is a significant barrier to doing small infill projects. But that isn't because the money isn't there to be had.
Read MoreMaking city budgets accessible to the average citizen is crucial for building stronger places. Here’s 4 examples of cities that made their budgets not only accessible, but even fun!
Read MoreA relatively new funding mechanism helps small businesses build support in the community, even without all the resources of a larger startup.
Read MoreThere are major flaws in the accounting standards that shape municipal finance in American cities. But there’s an opportunity too: a chance to comment on—and perhaps change—those standards going forward.
Read MoreThe changes that need to be made to fix our cities will never come about in a culture whose solution for everything is “Just print the money.”
Read MoreNo matter the domain or field—city government, planning and engineering, and even our own families and communities—we all leave a legacy. The question is: will it be the legacy we intended to leave?
Read MoreThere’s a 30% chance your house will be worth less in five years. Homeownership is not the surefire investment vehicle it often gets advertised as.
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