End Parking Mandates and Subsidies
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End Parking
Mandates & Subsidies


Strong communities are ending the mandates and subsidies that waste productive land on automobile storage.


What’s Wrong With Parking?

The High Cost of Parking

Our Communities Deserve Better

Parking mandates take away the flexibility and agency that homeowners, developers, and business owners deserve.

A Losing Investment

Parking minimums cost the public in the form of extra infrastructure that must service all that parking—but without the taxable value to recoup public investment.

Unlock Your City’s Potential

Ending parking mandates and subsidies will free up vast swaths of land that can be used more productively.


What's Happening Now in the End Parking Mandates and Subsidies Campaign



The Parking Revolution is Finally Happening

Paloma Delgadillo is a City Council Member in Broomfield, CO who has been on the front lines of fighting against parking minimums in her town. In this session, she is joined by Strong Towns Chief of Staff Carlee Alm-LaBar, to talk about what local leaders can do to end the chokehold parking has on their cities, and what residents can do to support that process.



The Strong Towns Action Lab is your arsenal of parking mandate information, stories, and more. Get the resources you need.


Places Across North America Are Ending Parking Minimums

See which communities near you have implemented parking reform over on the Parking Mandates Map page, originally launched by Strong Towns, now co-hosted by the Parking Reform Network.

Want to add your community to the map? Submit an update here!

A Common-Sense Reform

We understand the harm parking mandates and subsidies create for families, business owners, and small-scale developers. That’s why we’ve been a leading voice against parking minimums for over a decade.

Over the last few years, Strong Towns has helped dozens of communities reduce or eliminate parking minimums. We even helped create a map of cities across the U.S. and Canada that have made this reform (200 and counting). When we started our annual #BlackFridayParking campaign in 2014, the thesis—that we are overbuilt on parking, even on the busiest shopping day of the year—was outside the mainstream. Now it is becoming accepted wisdom. Ending parking mandates and subsidies is just common sense.

 Strong Towns Priority Campaigns


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