Posts tagged massachusetts
Massachusetts Zoning Lawsuit: Addressing Listener Pushback

On a recent Upzoned episode, I joined Abby Newsham to discuss Massachusetts’ effort to sue a city over exclusionary zoning near transit stations. After it aired, we received some thoughtful critiques from listeners who felt the conversation missed key historical and legal context. I’d like to address those critiques today.

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Why Do Cities Have Liability Protection? (Hint: It’s Not To Protect Them.)

Liability caps mean that a city can’t be forced to pay victims of traffic crashes above a certain amount, even in cases of gross negligence. This may seem unjust, but this kind of protection can encourage city officials and employees to be proactive in addressing past mistakes and making streets safer. Here’s how.

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Dangerous Road Infrastructure Makes Us Blind to Our Most Vulnerable Neighbors

North American road infrastructure signals to drivers that there shouldn’t be nondrivers in an area, so they fail to see the people who are actually there. This increases the risk of collisions and prevents reform. If cities are to have safer streets, they need to start seeing the people who use them.

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