Florida is celebrating reduced crash fatalities and injuries. But is this decline real, or is it simply a return to pre-COVID conditions? We have to answer this question before declaring victory. Otherwise, we risk learning all the wrong lessons.
Read MoreFor decades, state and federal highway agencies have justified massive projects with traffic forecast models. But a closer look reveals a troubling pattern of exaggeration, manipulation and outright falsification in these models.
Read MoreBiking advocates often argue that cities should add bike infrastructure because it'll reduce congestion. Reality is harder to predict. Here's why you should shift away from reducing congestion arguments and what you could focus on instead.
Read MoreIf offered the choice between paid and free parking, many people would probably choose the latter. But free parking may be creating more problems than it’s worth.
Read MoreThere is currently a mandate in the new Ohio budget bill that an interchange must be built between Brunswick and Strongsville. But odds are, it’s only going to make traffic problems in the area worse.
Read MoreAdding an interstate exit will not fix congestion issues for this highway in Ohio. Here’s why.
Read MoreMassDOT has proposed an expensive plan to reduce congestion in Fairhaven, MA…by causing congestion?
Read MoreThe New Jersey Turnpike Authority plans to spend $4.7 billion updating and widening an eight-mile section of the turnpike, in the hopes of relieving congestion. Here’s why it’s not going to help.
Read MoreAmerica’s first experiment with charging a toll to enter a congested urban area is going to begin in New York City next year.
Read MorePart of why we can't agree on constructive solutions to traffic congestion is that our basic mental model of what causes traffic is wrong. But what if we made a slight update to that model?
Read MoreThese observations from a morning detour demonstrate why small neighborhood side streets are better than big, wide highways, even when it comes to moving traffic.
Read MoreWe’ve spent trillions fighting congestion so that it’s easy to drive everywhere. But we’re fighting a losing battle, and simultaneously losing our ability to walk anywhere.
Read MoreOur national transportation obsession has been about maximizing the amount that you can drive. We now need to focus on minimizing the amount you are forced to drive.
Read MoreIt goes by many names — the Jevons Paradox, Braess Paradox, Marchetti’s Constant or Downs’ Triple Convergence — but the science is clear: expanding freeway capacity makes traffic worse.
Read MoreCities all over the world are adapting to give small businesses the best chance to survive the COVID-19 crisis. Will your town or city do the same?
Read MoreShifting traffic patterns are backing up decades of data: the way to fix our highways isn’t expanding capacity but rather managing demand.
Read MoreThe way we design our cities guarantees a flood of congestion. And then we pour billions of dollars into highway expansion, only to worsen the problem we created in the first place.
Read MoreWhat kind of problem is traffic? Is it a mathematical or programming problem, a physics problem, an engineering problem, an economics problem, or a cultural, behavioral, or political one? The right answer: “Yes.”
Read MoreNo, you’re not stuck in congestion because your city’s infrastructure is “inadequate” to handle growth.
Read MoreThere are a ton of good reasons to invest in transit. Making life easier for drivers isn’t one.
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