What if, rather than having to move because of life changes, your house itself could change? We present to you THE architectural solution to this common problem: The Incredible Expanding and Shrinking House.
Read MoreA hundred people gathered in Tacoma, WA, to mourn the death of 13-year-old Michael Weilert, who was recently killed while bicycling in his neighborhood. If we want to prevent more tragedies like this, then we must redesign our streets.
Read MoreFlaky residential zoning has no place in a Strong Town!
Read MoreThe benefits to a bottom-up approach to affordable housing don’t just build wealth and resilience; they can be deeply personal, too.
Read MoreCan we break free of our car addiction? It may be possible, but it won’t be easy…or fast.
Read MoreIf your city is struggling to balance its budget, it’s not enough to just cut costs and not seek to increase revenues. That’s like a cyclist who tries to improve their performance only by losing weight.
Read MoreGig Harbor, Washington has gone from fishing town to suburban bedroom community. With its founding industry largely gone, can the city remain a place that fosters community and welcomes newcomers to join in it?
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