In this new series, we’re looking at Collier County as a case study for how insolvent growth persists in Florida. What's the history behind Collier’s development, and where is it headed?
Read MorePast winners of the Strongest Town contest give updates on their cities and weigh in on this year’s finalists.
Read MoreCities should take responsibility for getting the factors right that make public spaces lovable and worthy of care.
Read MoreAmerica is in the midst of an unrelenting crisis. And it’s happening on our roadways.
Read MoreOne of the biggest barriers to implementation—in business, community, and nearly everywhere—is not understanding how to manage change. These strategies will help.
Read MoreAn accidental photo essay courtesy of Street View provides us a look at the appallingly low standard for what we expect people who walk in suburbia to put up with.
Read MoreUn ensayo fotográfico accidental, cortesía de Street View, nos proporciona una mirada al nivel espantosamente bajo de lo que esperamos que aguanten las personas que caminan por los suburbios.
Read MoreWe get the density and the height, but not much action. Some of the form, none of the function.
Read MoreYou absolutely have something to offer your town or city in a time of crisis. Here are 6 tips on thinking creatively about your unique contribution.
Read MoreTaking local action builds resilience and improves a community’s quality of life in deeply meaningful ways. This is never more evident than when disaster strikes.
Read More13 things the smartest small town leaders are doing to create stronger, more vibrant communities.
Read MoreAn accidental photo essay courtesy of Street View provides us a look at the appallingly low standard for what we expect people who walk in suburbia to put up with.
Read MoreNo, you’re not stuck in congestion because your city’s infrastructure is “inadequate” to handle growth.
Read MoreOften, what prevents the incremental development movement from taking root in a community isn’t lack of will, knowhow, or resources. Here’s how a change to Miami’s parking minimum rules opened the door for small-scale development in The Magic City.
Read MoreBuilding a Strong Town will require people who can lead with humility, creativity, and intelligence. We needed someone to write a book for these kinds of leaders. Now someone has.
Read MoreThe problem with new American suburbs isn’t a "lack of planning" or “uncontrolled growth” or “inadequate infrastructure.” The problem is a lack of basic financial solvency.
Read MoreThe ecological and economic benefits of having street trees are well-known. As one community is discovering, the process of planting trees comes with benefits all its own.
Read MoreYou voted Pensacola, Florida the champion in our annual contest to find North America’s #StrongestTown. This week, we delivered their award. Here are 4 reasons they earned it.
Read MoreAmerica has an excessive infrastructure problem—and perhaps nowhere is that more clear than in places like the massive, center-less city of Palm Bay, Florida.
Read MoreThere’s nothing like taking to the streets on foot to understand the place you live a bit better. In this spirit, the work of Strong Towns helped inform a program of “walking audits” at a Florida university that teaches students to recognize how urban design affects both the financial and ecological sustainability of our cities.
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