What will it take to get back the ecosystems of tradespeople, laborers, lenders, and small-scale developers who made incremental development possible in the past?
Read MoreWho is actually going to do the work of incremental development, and what will their motivations be?
Read MoreFor most small-scale developers, capital is a significant barrier to doing small infill projects. But that isn't because the money isn't there to be had.
Read MoreA cohort of small developers representing over 100 properties in poor, disinvested neighborhoods are, together, the largest developer in South Bend, IN. Can their success be replicated?
Read MoreIncremental development today is far from the path of least resistance. To do it, you'll need the ability to navigate dozens of regulatory barriers.
Read MoreWe need people who will build in the places where big, corporate developers won’t. But how do we get enough small-scale developers back to make a difference?
Read MoreWe get a lot of questions over at the Action Lab, and today we’re going to answer some of them!
Read MoreSomehow, as a society, we’ve drifted from ordinary people being able to build their own homes on a cash basis in an interactive, iterative way, to immense, hyper-elaborate habitats.
Read MoreIt’s no wonder that some people oppose new housing when the housing and infrastructure projects they see are disruptive construction work that drags on for years.
Read MoreWhat if we had a class of semi-amateur developers 10 or 100 times larger than it is today?
Read MoreThere are only a couple reforms Strong Towns recommends unequivocally for every town and city. Sacramento just passed both of them…unanimously…in one evening.
Read MoreThe classic story...with a Strong Towns twist.
Read MoreCentralized systems are good at getting us cheap food, cars, and toilet paper—until they’re not. They’re also really bad at isolating deadly outbreaks.
Read MoreThe North American development pattern disrupted a way of building cities that has thousands of years of accumulated wisdom behind it—and is still at work in dynamic ways around the world.
Read MoreSo you've heard that "developers" wield a lot of power in your city, or that certain actions will or won’t benefit them? It matters which ones you’re talking about.
Read MoreDecades into the Suburban Experiment, many towns and cities have precious few old buildings left. Those that remain could be adapted to new uses—but cities are making that hard.
Read MoreWe all love those “Before” and “After” shots. But where things get interesting—whether it’s on a home makeover show, or building a strong town—is what comes in-between.
Read MoreOur cities need buildings that are “boring.” Here’s why.
Read MoreIt’s tempting to think the challenges we face in the “unprecedented year” of 2020 require big, top-down, unprecedented solutions. But this may be exactly the right time for the “little way.”
Read MorePortland, Oregon has joined the ranks of cities ending their apartment bans and allowing the next increment of residential development everywhere. Here’s a run-down of why they just might have passed the best such policy yet.
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