When gas prices spike, the core issue we, as a nation, should be fixating on is car dependency.
Read MoreWhen it comes to transit mega project delays and overruns, there are typically two reactions: to trash the project mercilessly or unconditionally back it to the end. But there is a third option.
Read MoreSpecial guest Jarrett Walker shares his thoughts on the limitations of prediction.
Read MoreCDOT drafts a rule that intends to address both greenhouse gas emissions and Colorado’s spreading development pattern. But can this kind of top-down solution work?
Read MoreAnd what this tells us about what the common buzzword really means.
Read MoreWhat role does high-speed rail play in creating a strong town? We turn to Rick Harnish, executive director of the High Speed Rail Alliance, for insight.
Read MoreBudget shortfalls are pressuring transit agencies to do what they should’ve been doing all along: put to productive use the land they own around their stations.
Read MoreThe pandemic has turned conventional transit funding models on their heads. How will it change how we fund transit going forward…and what gets funded in the first place?
Read MoreIn some ways, Caltrain was in a better financial position than other public transit agencies. But the pandemic—and a political turf war—have thrown its future into jeopardy.
Read MoreCountless advocates who want to do something to improve their community run into the “brick wall” of railroad land rights. Here are some of your options.
Read MoreDon’t ask if we can still afford public transit in American cities. Ask if we can still afford the alternative: car-dependent development, and universal car usage as a minimum ante to participate in society.
Read MoreKansas City, Missouri recently announced plans to offer free bus service across its system. How will the city pay for it and what role, if any, does free transit play in building a strong town?
Read MoreThe most exciting advances in public transit in North America are coming from some unexpected places, where they’re figuring out how to achieve more with less. Indianapolis might be the newest to join that club.
Read MoreWhere did we spend our money building transit in the U.S. in the last 10 years? And what did we get for it?
Read MoreThere are a ton of good reasons to invest in transit. Making life easier for drivers isn’t one.
Read MoreNew York’s newest BRT line is being called the “Miracle on 14th Street.” But why is it so miraculous?
Read MoreAn odd-bedfellows coalition of businesses, faith-based poverty advocates, and an idiosyncratic right-wing mayor, helped expand transit in one of the most auto-centric cities in the country. Here’s how.
Read MoreSkeptics cite empty buses and trains as proof that public transit isn’t worth the investment. But what if they applied their same standard to our rural highways?
Read MoreCommuter rail stations in the San Francisco Bay Area should be some of the most valuable land in the region (and by extension, the world). So why are there so many parking lots and one-story buildings right next to them?
Read MoreLeander, Texas, a suburb of Austin, is a quiet bedroom community that recently found itself with a commuter rail station. Can it afford to waste the opportunity to create the transit-oriented downtown it never had?
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