The problems with "community input" are many and obvious. One misguided response is to favor more top-down policy making, simply overriding the objections of local "NIMBYs." But there is a third way.
Read MoreAldo Leopold was an ecologist, not an urban planner, but insights from his Sand County Almanac can resonate with anyone interested in urbanism.
Read MoreAnn Zadeh is a Strong Towns member, former city councilwoman, and community design leader in Fort Worth, TX.
Read MoreIn the realm of urban planning, there’s plenty of discourse out there about housing affordability—but what about household wealth building?
Read MoreWhat does and doesn’t work about the “great-granddaddy” of New Urbanism?
Read MoreSarasota County, FL, is viewed as a trailblazer in the prevention of unchecked suburbanization. So why has its growth management plan has not resulted in a better pattern of development?
Read MoreFrom its one-time status as one of America’s most prosperous cities, Hartford, CT, is now one of the poorest—no thanks to its mid-twentieth-century urban renewal projects.
Read MoreThis document shows just how much our arcane land-use regulations prohibit neighborhoods from developing organically and un-self-consciously.
Read MoreShelley Denison is a city planner in Sandy, OR, who views planning as a relationship between residents and leaders.
Read MoreThe modern conceit is that we are far more advanced than the people of past generations—but how do our cities really stack up against those of the past?
Read MoreThese two highways in New Jersey run parallel and very close to each other—and traveling along them allows a sustained view of two different development approaches.
Read MoreIt’s no secret that the conventional process for public engagement in urban planning is broken. So, what should we be doing, instead?
Read MoreSpecial guest Jarrett Walker shares his thoughts on the limitations of prediction.
Read MoreThis week in High Value, Stark shares a secret with Hjerne and Nair that could spell ruin for one of the town’s residents.
Read MoreA small town’s planning commission clashes over a controversial zoning request. The first chapter of this fictional series reveals the drama that can result from local decision-making.
Read MoreWe all know about the Suburban Experiment here at Strong Towns—but are we now also starting to see the rise of a new paradigm?
Read MoreIn everyday life, people usually say “I need a plan” if something has gone wrong. Plans should play a similar role in cities.
Read MorePlanning must become a job that planners can actually do in a 40-hour work week. This will require a different approach to planning, altogether.
Read MoreWhat do we find when we look behind the "New Urbanist" façade of this master-planned development?
Read MoreSarah Davis is fresh out of planning school and interned for Strong Towns and Urban3 this summer.
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