Frequent power outages in California give pause to reflect on the overall fragility of our built environment.
Read MoreUntil we have a credible plan for maintaining our existing transportation infrastructure, we must stop building more roads and bridges. Period.
Read MoreWhen it comes to our places’ roads, we need to start asking: “How much is this gonna cost us?”
Read MoreA recent Reason Foundation newsletter thinks that Strong Towns is against all highways. We’re not. We’re against all highway expansion—and you should be, too.
Read MoreThis case shows why local governments need to do a better job accounting for maintenance costs.
Read MoreThe infrastructure avalanche is coming… Is your town prepared?
Read MoreBecause we depend so heavily on cars, what happens when roads become too icy to drive on? The answer: road salt. But there are serious consequences to relying on salt for road-clearing.
Read MoreAs of November 15, Alaska is flush with federal infrastructure money. How should it be spent?
Read MoreResidents of this Houston neighborhood thought they were winning the lottery with a government-sponsored infrastructure project. Instead, they endured a seven-month-long nightmare.
Read MoreThe $1 trillion infrastructure bill is being signed into law. But who gets to decide how the money will be spent, and will they make the right decisions for communities of color?
Read MoreWe’re skeptical that the bill will address the real and current infrastructure needs in our cities today—but the good news is, you can. And you can get started right now.
Read MoreThe past proves that people tend to disregard the long-term costs of the plans they make, particularly if they reap the benefits and others pay the costs. We must become more sophisticated than this.
Read MoreA Studebaker factory once brought jobs to South Bend, IN, but what’s happened to the city (and its infrastructure) now that the factory has closed its doors?
Read MoreThe recent failure of a Memphis bridge is costing millions every day. And there are 45,000 others like it in the U.S. that could suffer the same fate.
Read MoreThe federal government pays the upfront costs for infrastructure, but the responsibility for its maintenance is yours. Forever.
Read MoreThe story has been that we don’t spend enough on infrastructure. But what’s the whole truth?
Read MoreIn an era in which so many people aspire to be the next Steve Jobs, who will channel their ambition in the pursuit of caretaking work?
Read MoreOver the last 40 years, the federal government’s share of spending on water infrastructure dropped from 63% to 9%. That means it’s up to local communities to figure out how to pay to repair or replace all that aging infrastructure.
Read MoreThink budget-busting infrastructure spending isn’t happening in YOUR city? Ask these two questions to find out.
Read MoreFor decades, we’ve built like there was no tomorrow, prioritizing short-term growth over longterm stability, prosperity, and safety. Exhibit A: 20,000 high-risk dams that are emergencies waiting to happen.
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