Although they stand in very different parts of the country, these college towns are spearheading the push to eliminate harmful, longstanding land-use policies.
Read MoreFind out why this stretch of Floridian stroad has been nicknamed “death valley” by locals.
Read MoreToday, city planning departments obsess over what happens inside buildings but pay scant attention to the quality of the space outside them.
Read MoreWhat does and doesn’t work about the “great-granddaddy” of New Urbanism?
Read MoreWhen we design our streets to make them safer for people with disabilities, it also makes them safer for people, as a whole.
Read MoreThis suburb is a growing place, but it's not a successful place. It risks becoming an increasingly isolating place full of people who are cut off from the economic mainstream.
Read MoreResidents of Pensacola, FL, are working to make their city a better place to place to live, work, and thrive in as they implement incremental changes.
Read MoreSarasota County, FL, is viewed as a trailblazer in the prevention of unchecked suburbanization. So why has its growth management plan has not resulted in a better pattern of development?
Read MoreHow much do people in your community go about their lives in public or in private?
Read MoreThis organization is suing their local government over an insolvent, master-planned development in Collier County, Florida.
Read MoreBuilding to last is the only thing we can afford to do. The social and environmental costs of disposable buildings are far too high.
Read MoreBy building disposable structures, we are leading ourselves toward a socially, economically, and environmentally ruinous future.
Read MoreWhen it comes to creating strong neighborhoods, there are some valuable lessons to be had from slowing down the pace and seeking novelty in the ordinary.
Read MoreThe recent tragedy in Surfside, Florida, is both a harbinger of things to come and emblematic of the nation’s larger problem with maintaining our built environment.
Read MoreA question we often hear concerns highway bypasses around small towns. Are they good? Bad? Let's find out by looking at a case study: Starke, Florida, and U.S. 301.
Read MoreTechnocratic growth management in Florida has failed, and a new conversation is needed. Let's start that conversation now.
Read MoreNew suburban development creates budget-devouring road liabilities. And the way developers are asked to mitigate their traffic impacts is only making the problem worse.
Read MoreCollier County is poised to spend over $200 million extending utilities to a whole new, previously rural, portion of the county. Let's #DoTheMath on this plan.
Read MoreCollier County's standards for new development on rural land repeatedly emphasize “innovative” growth...but when we look at their proposed mega-developments, it's really just business as usual.
Read MoreOrlando (and the surrounding state of Florida) has long been reliant on cars. But the city’s new director of transportation hopes to change that.
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