When Strong Towns member John Holmes was fired for speaking against harmful development practices, he didn’t let that stop him. Working with other advocates, he’s paving the way to success for Charlotte, NC!
Read MoreMansions on large lots, not rundown properties in low-socioeconomic-status neighborhoods, are the real blight on a community’s financial health.
Read MoreThere are some obvious anomalies that are being overlooked in the property tax assessment system. Joe Minicozzi of Urban3 pulls back the curtain in this episode of the Strong Towns Podcast.
Read MoreThe process for appealing your property taxes can be obscure, even when the appeal is merited (and more often than not, it is). This simple guide will help prepare you for when your property is next assessed.
Read MoreAs an ad hoc committee recently discovered, owners of higher-valued properties are more likely to receive a tax break…simply because of bad data.
Read MoreIncrementalism is not an end in itself. Nor is it about a “small-is-beautiful” aesthetic for its own sake. Instead, it’s a practical pathway toward resilient, financially sound places.
Read MoreHow have we come to the conclusion that most short-term rentals are taxed as “residential,” when many have no residents?
Read MoreRecently, the North Carolina Ad Hoc Appraisals Committee was challenged to face their own biases and fix their broken property tax assessment system. Here’s what happened.
Read MoreAcross the country, the property tax system is causing economic hardship for homeowners—and it’s because the system itself is flawed.
Read MoreStrong Towns is partnering with Just Accounting for Health and Urban3 in a project to uncover the presence, and effects, of biases in tax assessment standards.
Read MoreThe inequities in the tax assessment system are national. But the solutions will have to come from the bottom-up.
Read MoreIf we want to live in a free and equitable society where everyone has the potential to succeed and experience prosperity, we have to understand where the inequities begin.
Read MoreThe most brilliant innovations in building cities are already embodied in the traditional development pattern, a foolproof approach to creating resilient and productive places that was developed the hard way.
Read MoreA walk down a thriving main street like this one will be a reminder why our downtowns are worth protecting and nurturing.
Read MoreWould you rather have a pizza, or the ingredients of a pizza arranged in separate piles? This analogy has something to teach us about the consequences of how we organize our cities.
Read MoreDon't be seduced by the "signature project" that takes 20 years to complete, when there's huge basket of small projects you could hit the ground running on. That's a wildly different approach than anything our transit agencies or federal transportation funding mechanisms are set up for. But it's a more promising one.
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