Developers and builders often ask the same question: “What can I build on x lot?” But what is it that they’re actually looking for, and how can the urban planners they work with help them make the most of a given space?
Read MoreChange requires believing in our own ability to adapt.
Read MoreIs the hype over 15-minute cities warranted or not?
Read MoreIt’s important to build safe and productive streets, but how do we ensure those streets are a place people want to be and live in?
Read MoreThe winds are shifting for cities. Are you paying attention?
Read MoreBuilding to the street can create urban form and character, and increase the productivity of a site—even a site like this airport hotel.
Read MoreBeing human means being connected to place. So why have we stopped seeing our places as extensions of ourselves, of our homes, and of our values?
Read MoreHeated discussion about a new condo in Sarasota, FL, has got locals calling the building an eyesore. But is this a case of misdirected ire?
Read MoreCitizens and city leaders striving to pivot from car-based design to more resilient models of growth and development need to start planning our places with the end in mind—the “end” being everyday life, itself.
Read MoreOver the course of a Sunday afternoon, this Strong Towns member created a simple and achievable plan to transform a local street—all on a small budget!
Read MoreOur most famous case study revealed the high cost of auto-oriented development. But what if a little creative rearrangement could make things a whole lot better?
Read MoreIf you value the end state of a walkable, diverse, dynamic place with a lot of local character, then you must also value the process that gets you there.
Read MoreDesign affects us in a multitude of ways, and when we look to nature as inspiration for designing the built environment, the core takeaways are: adaptation and incrementalism.
Read MoreWhen designed right, even small patches of public space can bring a lot of charm to a community!
Read MoreQuestion: “Why don’t people dance in the street today?” Answer: Because the design of our cities shapes the design of our lives.
Read MoreAs people interested in undoing damage caused by the rise of the suburban development pattern, how should we feel about so-called “McMain Streets”?
Read MoreToday, city planning departments obsess over what happens inside buildings but pay scant attention to the quality of the space outside them.
Read MoreFor the sake of our cities and the people who live in them, it’s time we fundamentally rethink how we regulate land in America. Read about it in this excerpt from Nolan Gray’s new book, Arbitrary Lines.
Read MoreAldo Leopold was an ecologist, not an urban planner, but insights from his Sand County Almanac can resonate with anyone interested in urbanism.
Read MoreThis interactive map allows you to view just how much space is being wasted in your city (and in the rest of the U.S.) on parking lots.
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