Your city just announced a big infrastructure project, one with significant state and federal funding. You and your neighbors are likely wondering: why this project?
Read MoreThe battle against highway expansions can be one of the toughest fights an advocate will ever come up against. But as this Florida-based Local Conversations group has shown, persistence will eventually pay off.
Read MoreODOT wants to widen a highway in Toledo, OH. But continuing to make the highway bigger and bigger to solve traffic problems is about as effective as the story of the little old lady who swallowed a spider to eat a fly.
Read MoreThe latest Highway Boondoggles Report is out, showcasing just how much money is being wasted on highway expansion projects across the U.S.
Read MoreDOTs commonly justify highway expansion projects by claiming increased capacity will relieve traffic congestion and spur economic growth—but Toledo, OH, residents are busting these myths using ODOT’s own data.
Read MoreDetroit’s local leaders have long favored eliminating I-375, a sunken highway separating the eastern parts of the city from downtown…but MDOT’s plan to convert it into a six-lane road is not the future they envisioned.
Read MoreFreeway fighters in California may have found a friend in Caltrans—if not for the fact that she was allegedly terminated for opposing two of the state’s forthcoming highway construction projects.
Read MoreRochester, NY, made the decision to undo a past harmful highway project. Here are the challenges they faced—and the rewards they’ve seen since freeing up that valuable land for development.
Read MoreChallenging multimillion-dollar highway projects is daunting, but thousands of freeway fighters across the country can at least assure you that you’re not alone.
Read MoreThere is currently a mandate in the new Ohio budget bill that an interchange must be built between Brunswick and Strongsville. But odds are, it’s only going to make traffic problems in the area worse.
Read MoreAdding an interstate exit will not fix congestion issues for this highway in Ohio. Here’s why.
Read MoreGoogle Maps: “Let me tell you where the next freeway will be without telling you where the next freeway will be.”
Read MoreWhat do you want in a school for your children? Safe surrounding streets? A quiet environment for learning? Plenty of green space for outdoor play? How about a highway ramp encircling nearly the entire school…?
Read MoreDespite overwhelming local opposition, the Ohio government is forcing an interchange project on the city of Brunswick, threatening homes and funds that had originally been set aside for walkability projects.
Read MoreThe Minnesota Department of Transportation says they’re “rethinking” this freeway, but then came up with 10 proposals for roads for automobiles, just of different configurations. How rethought is that, really?
Read MoreA compelling new report, Divided by Design, from Smart Growth America examines the tangled history of highway building and so-called urban renewal in the U.S.
Read MoreWhy is it so hard to imagine removing a 60-year-old freeway from the heart of my city—even as someone who likes the idea?
Read MoreThe I-5 Rose Quarter project is proving to be extremely costly, and those costs are directly related to the excessive width of the project—something that ODOT has gone to great lengths to conceal.
Read MoreOn June 11, 2023, a tanker truck caught fire in Northeast Philadelphia, killing its driver and devastating over 100 feet of Interstate 95 above it. Now the city is reconsidering its dependency on the highway.
Read MoreWhy does Erie, PA, keep giving up more and more of its lakefront to highway asphalt?
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